(图1:P093-BSK 磁旋蓝甲正面图)
(图2:P093-BSK 磁旋蓝甲侧面图)
(图3:P093-BSK 磁旋蓝甲背面图)
(图4:P093-BSK 磁旋蓝甲与真人对比图)
(图5:P093-BSK 磁旋蓝甲与真人对比图)
(图6:P093-BSK 磁旋蓝甲金属片板件)
(图7:P087-KSR大秦京师校尉 VS P093-BSK磁旋蓝甲)
(图8:P085-RSK雷霆赤甲 VS P093-BSK磁旋蓝甲)
(图9:P085-RSK雷霆赤甲 VS P093-BSK磁旋蓝甲武器对比)
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